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Thema: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

  1. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #1
    Aryan Prince Of Persia
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    Mashhad , IRAN

    Standard When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    Warmest greetings from Mashhad , 2nd biggest city of IRAN , to my lovely German friends all around the GERMANY from historic Berlin in east till nice Aachen in west , from lovely Hamburg in north , till dear Munchen in south And Of course a special greeting to my non German friends all around the world

    How are you ? I wish you are funny ; healthy & happy .

    These days whole of Germany ; Austria ; Belgium ,....... ( And Of Course A IRANIAN boy ) have LENA fever . A LOVELY fever I hope you Enjoyed " Unser song fur Deutschland" Although I can not watch that . :sadnodrn2:

    As you know I am from IRAN & IRAN is not in ESC so most of my compatriots don't know ESC or LENA.

    Lots of my German friends told me : " How did you know LENA "? " How did you find this forum ?"

    I answered them but I said with myself : " It is very interesting that we ; all of DEAR LENA fans ; say " How do we know DEAR LENA ";" When & where we saw her for first time "& "How do we feel in that lovely moment ?"

    I will be a first person who writes his story ; Cause I think it is a most interesting story

    Have a very nice day ;

    Your IRANIAN friend ; Pooya

  2. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2
    Aryan Prince Of Persia
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    Mashhad , IRAN

    Standard Pooya story

    Now I want to tell you my story : " How did I Know ESC or DEAR LENA ? "

    At first : ESC is not popular in IRAN maybe because IRAN TV doesn't show that . So European singers & LENA are not popular here & non of her songs or video clips are not available here. My compatriots most love IRANIAN & American singers .

    But about becoming fan of LENA : Its a long story ; I didn't know ESC till ( I forget the date ; I just knew that was first day of FIFA World Cup 2010 ) . On that day my sister showed me a video clip of Alexander Rybak , Fairytale. That was excellent . She explained me about ESC & After that
    I watched another performance of ESC 2009 . I fell in love with ESC

    After about 115 days ; some day I was in the internet at my university . I searched " يورو ويژن" = " Euro Vision" & then I saw LENA in Persian wikipedia . I went to Lena page in wikipedia & ESC page . She had an innocent face & put a magic on me ; I really don't know what did she do with me ; I just know she was always in my mind I knew her official website of Wikipedia .

    Then I downloaded ESC 2010 & I saw her performance & some of her interviews .

    Her official website became my Homepage . I always try to write loveliest & niccest comments to make her happy . ( Maybe you know my comments ) Even sometimes I did not sleep at night to write comment & make her smiley

    Some day I saw in Guestbook address of this forum & after that I registered here & now I am writing for you.

    I hope my story was enjoyable for you ;

    Nicest wishes for all of you ;

    Your IRANIAN friend ; Pooya

  3. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #3
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    Standard AW: Pooya story

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    I hope my story was enjoyable for you ;
    Of course, it was enjoyable for me - your story is a fairytale itself

  4. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #4
    Bremse auch für Schnecken
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    quadratisch, praktisch, gut

    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    thanks for letting us know how your lena-way startet.....a lovely story! oh and greets back to iran from germany *btw. that sounds like esc *

  5. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #5
    Obst und Füße
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    @Pooya: thank you very much for your nice and interesting story

  6. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #6
    Aryan Prince Of Persia
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    Mashhad , IRAN

    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    You are welcome my dear friends

    But it will be really interesting ; if you write your story . That should be enjoyable for all of us

    Have a very nice day ;

    Greets ; Your IRANIAN friend ; Pooya

  7. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #7
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    I think most of the German fans share the same story.

    If you are not so familiar with the history of Eurovision Song Contest, you maybe might not know that the first (and only) victory for Germany was back in 1982. Nicole with the song "Ein bisschen Frieden"...what happened the following 27 years was a story full of shame and bad results for the German entries (ok, some exceptions). But most of the time Germany sent embarrasing artists with embarrasing songs to this contest and the songs got just a very few points. The newspapers claimed "Europe dosen`t like us".
    So the national broadcaster (who is responsable for the participant) declared the song contest 2010 to a "national mission" and left the job to Stefan Raab. Stefan Raab is musician, TV host, multitalent who participated 4 times to the song contest as singer or composer and his worst result was an 8th place, which was pretty good for German standard.

    Raab organised a big casting to find "Unser star für Oslo" (our star for Oslo). They selected 20 singer out of 4000 candidaes and the first show -with the first 10 candidates- started on 2nd of february 2010. The plan was that each candidate can sing a song of his choice (cover version or self written song), a jury of famous German singers judge them and the german people could select 5 candidates for the final show(s)

    After 9 good/brilliant but solid -I don´t want call them boring- artists, performing songs from the charts or evergreens,the TV host announced the 10th and last candidate for this evening: Lena, a 18 years old school-girl from Hannover. There was a short trailer and Lena introduced herself. She talked about her casting and then the story began....
    A girl stumbled on the big stage and started to perform a completely unknown, non mainstream song. After 10 seconds she got me!
    WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??? I never heard someone singing this way before. I never saw a German artist having so much fun on stage. And she conveyed her fun and happiness in a way I`ve never seen before. After her performance I was totally knocked down
    This was such a very unique performance that I was not sure if the jury and audience will like this. Then I realized that the audience went crazy. They cheered and claped hands like crazy.
    Also the jury was speechless. Stefan began and said: You kicked me. I don´t know what happened and I can´t explain why I like your performance so much. We have not to judge you, if you stricked the right tone because your performance was so awesome. Even the other jury-members praised her and the last jury-member finished with the words: ...and I want you to forget right now what I`ll tell you now, because I want you to be yourself. You got star-appeal, the people will love you.
    And he was damn right!

    If you wanna see how everything started, go here: http://www.unser-song-fuer-deutschla...ialTab=related
    Geändert von Asspony (04.02.2011 um 23:26 Uhr)

  8. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #8
    Opa Hoppenstedt

    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

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    ...what happened the following 27 years was a story full of shame and bad results for the German entries (ok, some expectations).
    I think you mean exceptions, not expectations.

  9. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #9
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

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    I think you mean exceptions, not expectations.
    You are right...this was a typo and I will change it that I do not confuse Pooya

  10. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #10
    Der Weltraum . . .
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

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    A girl stumbled on the big stage and started to perform a completely unknown, non mainstream song.
    The Singer/Songwriter of the Song which Lena performed is Adele. The song was "My Same " from the Album called "19".
    the day after Lena was performing the Song in the Show the Song was climbing up the itunes Charts in Germany to Place 3.

    Today Adele is the first time in Germany on 1.Place in the Musikcharts with her Album called "21" and also on
    Place 1 with her Single "Rolling In The Deep"

    a wonderfull story

  11. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #11
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    Very nice story, Pooya . Sounds like a fairytale like bluescreen said!

    I have been a very big ESC fan since 5 years. First, I've watched the ESC only to see the crazy perfomances and I was often very disappointed when Germany failed . After the disappointing ESC 2009, I heard the first time that the NDR wants to find the performer for ESC 2010 together with Stefan Raab. I felt very happy because I knew his success at the ESC 1998 (with Guildo Horn), ESC 2000 (himself with "Wadde Hadde Dudde Da?") and ESC 2004 (with Max Mutzke). So I've looked forward excitedly to the new casting show "Unser Star für Oslo" because I'm a big fan of Raab and I've wanted to watch a serious casting show...

    So I watched the first show and I was a little bit bored... There was nobody I really liked. I sympathised with Cyril Krueger, because he was from Hannover, but I had no favourite. Until the moment Matthias Opdenhövel announced the last perfomance of the evening... A young girl from Hannover? Again somebody from Hannover? The second singer from my hometown? I was really nervous and then I saw her in the little "profile film" before every perfomance. She's crazy, but in a positive way, I thought. And then she began to sing... And I was also "flashed", like Raab . I thought: "That's the girl Germany shound send to Oslo! On the next day, Lena's perfomance was the headline of our local newspaper, "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" and everyone talked about her... Great time .

    Since that moment I've watched every episode of USFO and I dont't regret it! The final of USFO was epic and I went to Lena's recipience in Hannover's town hall. My profile photo ist from that day

  12. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #12
    Aryan Prince Of Persia
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    Mashhad , IRAN

    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    Oh ; my GOD !

    Many thanks every body . These stories were really interesting & enjoyable for me .

    Dear friends : Please write your story & Let us to know how you became a fan of DEAR LENA

    All The Best

    Greets ; Pooya

  13. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #13
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    By the way, here for you to watch the moment (at 00:45) where most of the males felt in love with Lena


  14. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #14
    Lena Lover
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

    Thanks for story Pooya I read all story. It's interesting I'm from The Turkish Rebublic (Turkey, but i don't use "Turkey" Cause you know, it's mean a animal same time :/) I think, i can write my story, but my English isn't good. I can read and understand but i can't write so good but i'll try

  15. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #15
    it depends
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    Standard AW: When I saw DEAR LENA for first time

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    Thanks for story Pooya I read all story. It's interesting I'm from The Turkish Rebublic (Turkey, but i don't use "Turkey" Cause you know, it's mean a animal same time :/) I think, i can write my story, but my English isn't good. I can read and understand but i can't write so good but i'll try
    Nice to hear from you again May the International Forum Section explode

    And btw, thanks to Pooya for sharing his "enchantment story". Sadly, I cannot add additional thoughts because Asspony told everything as it happenend to me, too.

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