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Thema: Emily Bear

  1. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2791
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

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    Ich bin sicher, dass sie dafür nicht bezahlt wurden, aber ich bin überrascht, dass sie einen Song von Bridgerton spielen. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass sie seit der Beilegung des Rechtsstreits einen der Songs gespielt hätten.
    hier auch im letzten Slide auf Stumm

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    hier mit Ton aus anderer Perspektive
    Geändert von Eulenspiegel (08.09.2024 um 04:18 Uhr)

  2. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2792
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    Der Film von Anderson Paak, der auch musikalisch gestern bei der Schlusszeremonie der Paralympics bei der Übergabe an LA auftrat

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    Emily bekommt bei Roger Ebert eine fantastische Kritik für den Soundtrack

    It’s not just inspired by his son’s background but feels sometimes like it has the worldview of a well-adjusted teenager—bright, buoyant, and with a killer soundtrack.

    With infectious tunes, celebrity cameos, and a steady stream of self-deprecating jokes that poke fun at .Paak without ever actually making him look bad, K-Pops is feel-good fun. I'm always skeptical of a pop star who uses their celebrity status to leverage themselves a film deal, but .Paak absolutely owns his Hollywood breakthrough moment.

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    hier komplett (Deutsch)

    hatte gestern Premiere auf dem Toronto Film Festival

    und Emily bittet um Unterstützung bei der Publikumsabstimmung


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    Geändert von Eulenspiegel (09.09.2024 um 09:53 Uhr)

  3. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2793
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    Heute hätte sie auch noch ne Anprobe..und irgendwas würde sie exciting heute Nachmittag aufnehmen, das aber so exciting sei, dass sie nicht sagen könne, was
    Ob solo oder gemeinsames Projekt?

  4. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2794
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear


    Ein Artikel, in dem es heißt, dass die Klage von Netflix wegen „The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical“ beigelegt wurde, stammt vom 23. September 2022. Es ist denkbar, dass die Klage tatsächlich schon früher in diesem Monat beigelegt wurde und die Bedingungen beinhalteten, dass sie zwei Jahre lang nichts mit dem Musical machen dürfen.

    Das würde erklären, warum Emily Noten für „If I Were a Man“ verwendet, da sie es schon lange nicht mehr gespielt hat. Sie schien sich die Noten jedoch nicht anzuschauen. Es könnte auch bedeuten, dass Abigails und Emilys Reise nach New York etwas mit Bridgerton-Musical zu tun hat. „Cooking up some more stage musicals“ würde jedoch auf ein neues Musical und nicht auf Bridgerton hinweisen.

    Dies könnte nur aus meiner Hoffnung resultieren, dass das Bridgerton-Musical am Broadway aufgeführt wird und keinen Bezug zur Realität hat.

  5. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2795
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

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    Ein Artikel, in dem es heißt, dass die Klage von Netflix wegen „The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical“ beigelegt wurde, stammt vom 23. September 2022. Es ist denkbar, dass die Klage tatsächlich schon früher in diesem Monat beigelegt wurde und die Bedingungen beinhalteten, dass sie zwei Jahre lang nichts mit dem Musical machen dürfen.

    Das würde erklären, warum Emily Noten für „If I Were a Man“ verwendet, da sie es schon lange nicht mehr gespielt hat. Sie schien sich die Noten jedoch nicht anzuschauen. Es könnte auch bedeuten, dass Abigails und Emilys Reise nach New York etwas mit Bridgerton-Musical zu tun hat. „Cooking up some more stage musicals“ würde jedoch auf ein neues Musical und nicht auf Bridgerton hinweisen.

    Dies könnte nur aus meiner Hoffnung resultieren, dass das Bridgerton-Musical am Broadway aufgeführt wird und keinen Bezug zur Realität hat.
    Bridgerton Musical ist tot…selbst die Serie interessiert immer weniger.. ich glaube nicht, dass Emily und Abigail Shonda Rimes etc. auch nur noch mit dem Arsch angucken würden…das Vorgehen von manchen Verantwortlichen hat wirklich verbrannte Erde hinterlassen…gerade Abigail hat sich immer noch nicht richtig erholt.

  6. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2796
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

    Beyond the sea: Moana 2's Auli'i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson reflect on the unexpected path to their surprise sequel
    Why Disney scrapped its plans for a Moana TV series, instead making a movie franchise out of one of its biggest animated titles.
    Geändert von Eulenspiegel (12.09.2024 um 20:46 Uhr)

  7. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2797
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

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    Beyond the sea: Moana 2's Auli'i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson reflect on the unexpected path to their surprise sequel
    Why Disney scrapped its plans for a Moana TV series, instead making a movie franchise out of one of its biggest animated titles.
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    source: Disney

    While Moana's wayfaring spirit remains the same, she's still finding her voice. To reflect that, the filmmakers brought on the composing team of Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, Grammy Award winners for the viral sensation The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical. "Moana's in a different place in her story, and there's a freshness to the journey with the two of them," Lee says of asking the duo to join the returning team of Opetaia Foa'i and Mark Mancina, the songwriting duo takes the place of Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton), who co-wrote many of the first film's hits.

    At that time, it was still a TV show. So, as with everyone else, the songwriters had to return to the drawing board when it turned into a movie. "We supercharged Moana again," Bear says of the process. "She became the center of everything, and that showed itself in our music."

    Barlow acknowledges that Miranda left "big shoes to fill," but Cravalho champions the importance of having two young women help voice Moana's biggest emotions, hopes, and dreams. "It's a passing of the baton to this younger generation," the actress says. "For two women to be part of that and trying to get to the heart of the story, which is a young woman finding her way, I couldn't think of a better duo than Barlow and Bear. To use some of Lin's words, they're young, scrappy, and hungry." Adds Barlow: "We felt like our story was mirroring the adventure that Moana goes on in this film."

    Filmmakers gave Barlow and Bear a boatload of research and information about the sonic landscape of Moana's world and its already established musical themes. But their primary focus was pushing Moana's voice to new places.

    "Moana has grown as a human, but also as a leader," Barlow explains. "And we wanted to allow that to be reflected in her melodies."

    Just as Moana has aged, so has Cravalho — her voice deepening and expanding as she's developed her instrument. Barlow and Bear wanted to push Cravalho to bring that vocal evolution to Moana. "This is a new part of my voice," Cravalho notes. "I haven't explored this kind of depth with Moana before. This film digs into these low notes in these times of indecision when we don't know what we are supposed to do next. There's a lot of deeper layers to these songs."

    That's particularly noticeable in the centerpiece number "Beyond" as well as "I Want," a song that is something of a spiritual successor to "How Far I'll Go" (the lyrics even name-drop the song). For Barlow and Bear, it was an opportunity to push the notion of how far Moana would go "beyond" the horizons of her previous journey, referencing the first musical number and building on top of its ideas. "It's bigger than just her personal journey now," says Barlow.

    "We also wanted her to be more vulnerable," Bear adds. "'Beyond' is a little bit darker than 'How Far I'll Go' because the stakes are suddenly so much higher. She's about to make a big decision that will affect the rest of her life. She knows more of the world and what's out there, so she knows what to expect — and that could be scary."

    The song expresses Moana's commitment to her people and promise to come home no matter how far she must venture. "That hit me square in my chest," admits Cravalho, who found the song very personal. "I feel most like myself when I'm at home, and yet I feel like I owe it to my community to go as far as I possibly can. There was a safety in 'How Far I'll Go,' but when you feel lost in the expanse of the beyond, that's when true character is born."

    It's that push and pull between home and adventure, and how it shapes us as people, that defined the song and the entire score for the duo. "The very first day that we stepped into the story room at Disney, there was a quote on the wall that said, 'You never stop discovering who you are,'" Bear says. "That is the biggest message of this movie. We are all changing every day and growing and evolving as human beings, and learning to love ourselves through all the different stages of our life and the people that we continue to become."

    Cravalho sees identity as more of a decision than a discovery. "We never stop choosing who we are," she says. "It's that choice time and time again of, 'I'm going to do what's right, even if that means giving up everything.' That in itself allows Moana and the crew to defeat this next monster."

    That's also a lesson Cravalho's still learning herself, waking up and choosing who she is day after day. "It still feels like an uphill battle," she admits. "For both of us, Moana and I, it's hard to work toward our goals and keep at it time and time again, but it's worth it for the coming home. It's a big celebration of, 'You made it, you went that far, and then you came back.' And that's what I'll always remember — the importance of going far but also coming back home because that's what grounds me and makes it all worth it."

    Sounds like another thing she shares with Moana.
    Geändert von Eulenspiegel (12.09.2024 um 21:34 Uhr)

  8. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2798
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

    Sah gerade, dass ich vergessen hatte, dieses Photo zu posten, welches Abigail Ende August auf ihrem Insta Account teilte..

    vom 1. Tag der Arbeit an Moana 2

  9. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2799
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    5 neue Songs von Barlow und Bear in Moana 2 , wobei 2 in den ersten 30 Minuten sind…die wurden auf einer Presseveranstaltung heute gezeigt.

    „Hitting theaters Nov. 27, Disney’s Moana 2 will include five new original songs written by Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, and the first 30 minutes of the film features two of the musical numbers.“

  10. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2800
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

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    5 neue Songs von Barlow und Bear in Moana 2 , wobei 2 in den ersten 30 Minuten sind…die wurden auf einer Presseveranstaltung heute gezeigt.

    „Hitting theaters Nov. 27, Disney’s Moana 2 will include five new original songs written by Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, and the first 30 minutes of the film features two of the musical numbers.“
    Seite nicht aufrufbar..ich hatte sie aber noch..und den ersten Absatz schon photographiert.

    Autor war er..

    „ The team behind Moana 2 is ready to welcome viewers back into the powerful world of the title characters and her fellow islanders.

    During a press event held Monday at Walt Disney Animation Studios in Burbank, Calif., the filmmakers debuted the first 30 minutes from the sequel to the 2016 animated feature. After screening the footage, co-directors David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand and Dana Ledoux Miller and co-writer Jared Bush took the stage to tease the new adventures for Moana that take place three years after the first movie.

    Hitting theaters Nov. 27, Disney’s Moana 2 will include five new original songs written by Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, and the first 30 minutes of the film features two of the musical numbers. Reprising their voice roles from the original Moana are Auli’i Cravalho as the lead character and Dwayne Johnson as demigod Maui..

    “The opening song was really meant to be the biggest welcome back into the world of Moana,” Hand explained. “We really wanted to nail that energy. Obviously, the sound of the music is reminiscent from the first film, but also bringing us up to speed as to where Moana is at in her life now and where her island is at as well.”

    The sequel’s story focuses on Moana answering a call from her ancestors and assembling a small crew to set out on a treacherous ocean voyage to find a mysterious island. A later scene was also screened, showing Moana and her friends facing off against the dangerous but diminutive Kakamora tribe.

    “We really thought a lot about what it means to grow as a leader,” said Ledoux Miller. “As you mature, you learn that there are consequences to your actions. The things that you do, the choices you make, affect the people around you, and we really wanted to put Moana through her paces as a leader and have to see who she would have to be on the water when she had people with her.”

    That said, there is also time for playfulness on the journey. “We wanted to have fun, and what’s more fun than a bunch of people who don’t know how to be on the ocean, having to go up against the biggest tests possible?” Ledoux Miller added.

    The project was initially planned as a Disney+ streaming series until Disney chief Bob Iger announced that Moana 2 had instead evolved to become a feature film. The team discussed how the project changed over the course of its path to the theatrical release.

    “The main core characters and the main themes are the themes that we were setting up to tell with the series,” said Derrick. “But then we had to rightsize it in a very dramatic way to make sure it was servicing a feature format. So there were some things that didn’t exactly fit from the series to the feature. But for me, one of the things I love is that everything blends through Moana and her personal growth.”

    Bush agreed and added, “All of us felt like, it’s this unbelievable opportunity to tell this story on a very epic scale, which, in the world of Moana, is exactly what you want. The series version also had that epic quality, but knowing this version is going to be shown on the biggest screens in the world, it really allowed us to go all in on all of that.”

    The film’s team debuted the latest trailer last month at D23, where Cravalho and Johnson were involved in a musical presentation. Before that, Disney shared Moana 2 footage and behind-the-scenes stories during a presentation at the Annecy Animation Festival in France in June.

    “Maui is singing again — singing in keys that don’t exist,” Johnson told the D23 crowd. “And my hair looks fantastic in Moana 2.”

    Also returning from the original Moana voice cast are Temuera Morrison, Nicole Scherzinger and Alan Tudyk. Christina Chen and Yvett Merino serve as producers.
    Geändert von Eulenspiegel (17.09.2024 um 00:32 Uhr)

  11. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2801
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

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    auch anderes bei

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    Geändert von Eulenspiegel (18.09.2024 um 22:27 Uhr)

  12. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2802
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

    Langer Interview Text

    Inside the music of Moana 2: A new anthem, Dwayne Johnson's challenging number, and a guaranteed 'TikTok moment' (exclusive)
    Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear tell EW about stepping into Lin-Manuel Miranda's 'big shoes' for the Disney sequel.
    Geändert von Eulenspiegel (19.09.2024 um 20:49 Uhr)

  13. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2803
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear


    Das ist ein großartiges Interview mit Barlow und Bear. Ich hoffe, dass wir bald noch mehr Songs hören.

  14. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2804
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

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    Der letzte Instagram-Post von Erika Hammond deutet auf Portland hin (Bubba’s Sulky Lounge). Hier könnte die Party stattgefunden haben:'06.9%22W

    Nachtrag: Ja, es ist sicher. Mal hiernach googeln: "402 Pulpit Rock Road, Cape Elizabeth".
    Für den Klimawandel ist der Lebensstil wirklich nicht…

    nach dem Jungesellinenabschied ..nun Hochzeit in Island…und Emily wenn ich das richtig sehe..alleine in den letzten 10 Tagen..LA-NY, NY-LA, LA-Island

  15. zum letzten eigenen Beitrag springen | Top | #2805
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    Standard AW: Emily Bear

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    Für den Klimawandel ist der Lebensstil wirklich nicht…

    nach dem Jungesellinenabschied ..nun Hochzeit in Island…und Emily wenn ich das richtig sehe..alleine in den letzten 10 Tagen..LA-NY, NY-LA, LA-Island
    Und erst vor drei Wochen in Italien. Aber ganz ehrlich, würden wir zu einem Trip nach Island eingeladen, würden wir ja auch nicht des Klimas wegen ablehnen. Ich beneide Emily – auf Island wäre ich jetzt auch gern. Alyssa scheint Anhängerin von Coolcationing zu sein: Junggesellinnen-Abschied im kühlen Maine und Hochzeit auf Island. Konsequenterweise sollte der erste Hochzeitstag auf Grönland gefeiert werden.

    Aufgrund des Alters einiger Posts vermute ich, dass die Gesellschaft schon am Freitag auf Island ankam – zumindest einige. Anscheinend haben sie bereits am Freitag oder Samstag früh die Blaue Lagune besucht. Gestern machten sie einen Trip zu einem der vielen Wasserfälle.

    Hier übernachten sie, nicht in Reykjavík, sondern mitten in der Wildnis:'01.2%22W/

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